<<The function changing to your language or currency.>> PC: top of page / Mobile: bottom of page WAGYUSCO 2021 VINTAGE SELECTION The WAGYUSCO 2021 version is now here! Featuring a brand new original design and upgraded recipe, Wagyusco is available in three flavors: RED, YUZU, BLACK. Enjoy the umami of this spicy sauce with Wagyu or BBQ. It's the perfect condiment for pizza, gyoza, pasta and sauces. EAT-N-SHOUT! ◆Product WAGYUSCO RED 60ml × 2 bottles WAGYUSCO YUZU 60ml × 2 bottles WAGYUSCO BALCK 60ml × 2 bottles ◆For overseas shipping, please choose: ・EMS/Delivery by sea. Approx. 2-3 months to deliver. ・Fedex/Delivery by airmail. Approx. 10 days to deliver after date of shipping. ◆Cancellation policy No refunds will be given in any case. We will only exchange if the product is defective. ◆Other Additional taxes may be added depending on the laws of each country. Please ask your local tax offices before ordering as we are not responsible for additional taxes. Due to the effect of Covid-19, delivery times may be delayed and in some cases, delivery may not be possible. Thank you for your understanding. —- WAGYUSCO 2021 VINTAGE SELECTION WAGYUMAFIAオリジナルホットソースWAGYUSCO。3種類がアソートセットで新登場! ◆商品 WAGYUSCO RED 60ml × 2 bottles WAGYUSCO YUZU 60ml × 2 bottles WAGYUSCO BALCK 60ml × 2 bottles ◆配送 ヤマト運輸 ◆キャンセルポリシー 本品は破損や不良品等の商品欠陥があった場合のみ、返品対応いたします。
<<The function changing to your language or currency.>> PC: top of page / Mobile: bottom of page *WAGYUSCO RED - WAGYUMAFIA HOT SAUCE 12 BOTTLES* The WAGYUSCO 2020 version is now here! Featuring a brand new original design and upgraded recipe, Wagyusco is available in three flavors: RED, YUZU, BLACK. Made with shoyu (soy sauce), habanero, and "Kanzuri", a Japanese pepper from Niigata prefecture. Does not contain vinegar. Scoville scale: 20,000 Enjoy the umami of this spicy sauce with Wagyu or BBQ. It's the perfect condiment for pizza, gyoza, pasta and sauces. EAT-N-SHOUT! ◆Product WAGYUSCO 60ml × 12 bottles ◆For overseas shipping, please choose: ・EMS/Delivery by sea. Approx. 2-3 months to deliver. ・Fedex/Delivery by airmail. Approx. 10 days to deliver after date of shipping. ◆Cancellation policy No refunds will be given in any case. We will only exchange if the product is defective. ◆Other Additional taxes may be added depending on the laws of each country. Please ask your local tax offices before ordering as we are not responsible for additional taxes. Due to the effect of Covid-19, delivery times may be delayed and in some cases, delivery may not be possible. Thank you for your understanding. —- 醤油とハバネロに加えて新潟県の発酵唐辛子「かんずり」を配合した、旨味と辛味が効いたWAGYUMAFIAオリジナルのホットソース。焼肉はもちろん、餃子やパスタなど、あらゆる料理によく合います。 ◆商品 ワギュスコ・レッド - WAGYUMAFIAオリジナルホットソース ワギュスコ 12本セット 60ml×12本 ◆配送 ヤマト運輸 ◆キャンセルポリシー 本品は破損や不良品等の商品欠陥があった場合のみ、返品対応いたします。
<<The function changing to your language or currency.>> PC: top of page / Mobile: bottom of page WAGYUSCO BLACK - WAGYUMAFIA ORIGINAL HOT SAUCE 12 BOTTLES The WAGYUSCO 2020 version is now here! Featuring a brand new original design and upgraded recipe, Wagyusco is available in three flavors: RED, YUZU, BLACK. WAGYUSCO BLACK is 100 times spicier than the regular WAGYUSCO RED. Made with shoyu (soy sauce), Carolina Reaper, and "Kanzuri", a Japanese pepper from Niigata prefecture. Does not contain vinegar. Scoville scale: 3,000,000 Enjoy the umami of this spicy sauce with Wagyu or BBQ. It's the perfect condiment for pizza, gyoza, pasta and sauces. EAT-N-SHOUT! ◆Product WAGYUSCO BLACK 60ml × 12 bottles ◆For overseas shipping, please choose: ・EMS/Delivery by sea. Approx. 2-3 months to deliver. ・Fedex/Delivery by airmail. Approx. 10 days to deliver after date of shipping. ◆Cancellation policy No refunds will be given in any case. We will only exchange if the product is defective. ◆Other Additional taxes may be added depending on the laws of each country. Please ask your local tax office before ordering as we are not responsible for additional taxes. Due to the effect of Covid-19, delivery times may be delayed and in some cases, delivery may not be possible. Thank you for your understanding. —- 醤油に加えて新潟県の発酵唐辛子「かんずり」を配合。旨味と辛味が効いたWAGYUMAFIAオリジナルのホットソース。さらには世界有数の辛味を持つ唐辛子「キャロライナリーパー」も加えた激辛バージョン。レギュラーワギュスコの100倍の辛さ!焼肉はもちろん、餃子やパスタなど、あらゆる料理によく合います。 ◆商品 ワギュスコ・ブラック - WAGYUMAFIAオリジナルホットソース ワギュスコ 12本セット 60ml/瓶 12本セット ◆配送 ヤマト運輸 ◆キャンセルポリシー 本品は破損や不良品等の商品欠陥があった場合のみ、返品対応いたします。
<<The function changing to your language or currency.>> PC: top of page / Mobile: bottom of page WAGYUSCO YUZU - WAGYUMAFIA ORIGINAL HOT SAUCE 12 BOTTLES The WAGYUSCO 2020 version is now here! Featuring a brand new original design and upgraded recipe, Wagyusco is available in three flavors: RED, YUZU, BLACK. Enjoy the umami of this spicy sauce with Wagyu or BBQ. It's the perfect condiment for pizza, gyoza, pasta and sauces. EAT-N-SHOUT! ◆Product WAGYUSCO YUZU 60ml × 12 bottles ◆For overseas shipping, please choose: ・EMS/Delivery by sea. Approx. 2-3 months to deliver. ・Fedex/Delivery by airmail. Approx. 10 days to deliver after date of shipping. ◆Cancellation policy No refunds will be given in any case. We will only exchange if the product is defective. ◆Other Additional taxes may be added depending on the laws of each country. Please ask your local tax office before ordering as we are not responsible for additional taxes. Due to the effect of Covid-19, delivery times may be delayed and in some cases, delivery may not be possible. Thank you for your understanding. —- ニューボトルのワギュスコ柚子もついにデビュー。ECでも大人気の和牛餃子やこてっちゃんをはじめとした和牛はもちろんのこと、あらゆる料理のアクセントとしてお楽しみください。 ◆商品 ワギュスコ・柚子 - WAGYUMAFIAオリジナルホットソース ワギュスコ 12本セット 60ml/瓶 12本セット ◆配送 ヤマト運輸 ◆キャンセルポリシー 本品は破損や不良品等の商品欠陥があった場合のみ、返品対応いたします。